Your family business is unique, partly because of the intertwining of business and personal interests. This makes running your business special, but it also brings specific challenges. Our specialists support your family business in all phases, from growth to transfer, and help you achieve your goals.

Sustainable growth and efficient management

Our specialists will work with you to ensure that your family business is ready for the future. Whether it's restructuring your business to take advantage of tax benefits or professionalizing financial reporting. We offer insight into tax optimization, such as smart utilization of entrepreneurial deductions or structuring dividend distributions.

We also assist you in setting up transparent reporting, conducting audits and forecasting strategic choices. Protecting family assets and managing risks plays an important role here. With solutions such as asset diversification and legal protection structures, such as an STAK or a family trust, your business and family interests are firmly anchored.

Succession and future-proofing strategies

Succession and future-proof strategies

One of the biggest challenges for family businesses is the transfer to the next generation. This requires thoughtful planning and clear agreements. We support you in drafting family charters that define roles, responsibilities and decision-making.

In addition, we assist you in structuring the transfer through gifts or holding structures. By making smart use of tax schemes, such as the Business Succession Regulation (BOR), you save tax and we enable a smooth transition.

We are also investing in the future of the family business by preparing the next generation for leadership. Through mentoring programs, training and the encouragement of work experience outside the family business, we provide a solid foundation for successors.

Working together for social and business success

Family businesses often contribute not only to economic growth, but also to society. We guide you in drawing up CSR strategies and establishing charitable family organizations. At the same time, we monitor that your business remains future-proof, thanks to strategic choices such as international expansion, attracting investors or planning an exit strategy.

At Govers, we combine tax, financial and strategic expertise with a deep understanding of the dynamics within family businesses. Together, we ensure that your business not only thrives today, but has a solid foundation for generations to come.

"We may be a big player in terms of numbers,but at the same time are also a family business"

VDL Groep and Govers

The partnership between VDL Groep and Govers goes back more than 30 years. And in that time quite a lot has changed. The number of VDL employees rose from 1500 to 14,000, the number of operating companies from 19 to over 100 and turnover from 233 million guilders to 6.3 billion euro. What has remained the same through all these years, however, is the family atmosphere that is tangible in all VDL companies. "VDL Groep will always remain a family business," CFO Paul van Vroonhoven knows. "And that is exactly why we have been doing business with Govers for so long. We speak the same language."

Whether there has never been an unkind word in those 30 years? "Of course we have," Van Vroonhoven laughs. "We have had heated discussions. But always on substance, never on the man. And disagreements are allowed; they happen in the best of families. Fortunately, we have always come out of it together, which has only strengthened our bond."

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