We are committed to providing the best possible service and take great care in performing our work. Nevertheless, should you have any critical comments about our services, we would appreciate it if you made use of our complaints procedure. Our complaints procedure has been drawn up in accordance with the regulations for accountancy organizations, and reads as follows:

  • You can report the complaint in writing, by telephone(+31 40 2504504) or e-mail(kolen@govers.nl) to the confidential adviser on complaints of Govers Accountants/Adviseurs: Harm Kolen.
  • The Confidential Advisor will confirm receipt of the complaint to the Notifier within one week. The Complaints Confidential Advisor also informs the notifier how and within what period his/her complaint will be handled. This term is in principle at most four weeks after the receipt of the complaint.
  • Immediately upon receipt of the complaint, the confidant will assess which persons within the organization should be involved in handling the complaint.
  • The confidential counsellor informs the notifier about the completion of his/her complaint and the measures taken no later than four weeks. If this deadline cannot be met due to unforeseen circumstances, the confidential counsellor shall inform the notifier of this and indicate when the notifier will be informed about the completion of his/her complaint.

If a complaint concerns the Confidential Advisor, the complaint can be submitted in writing, by phone(+31 40 2504504) or e-mail(simons@govers.nl) to the Compliance Officer: Hubert Simons.

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